The Amazing Energy of Loves Pain


God is love, so people say, but how do we know, what love is ? How does it comprise ?
Love comes in many shapes, forms and sizes, it has many guises to recognise.
Where does love begin and where does it end ? Is it part of life ? How do we survive ?
We talk of the birds and the bees, so could it be, that love comes from a beehive ?
Can it be, that love comes from a bird ? Or from a bird’s nest ? Is love part of nature ?
Can this energy be from God ? From love ? From our own life force ? How can we be sure ?

Are there many kinds of love ? If so, then how many kinds are there ? How do we know ?
Where does love start ? Is this the bond between nature’s animals ? Is this how we grow ?
Can it be, that love starts with our ego self ? Our personal survival instinct ?
Does this energy compel us to help others, so that we are not made extinct ?
Is this why we join together in groups, to help each other to survive danger ?
Is this instinct also part of our survival as a nation together ?

Is this why our desire to reproduce our species, is even stronger again ?
A desire so powerful, that to resist it, can only cause us tremendous pain.

By Ray Lavin, 26th.September,2012.

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  • wp socializer sprite mask 32px The Amazing Energy of Loves Pain
  • wp socializer sprite mask 32px The Amazing Energy of Loves Pain
  • wp socializer sprite mask 32px The Amazing Energy of Loves Pain
  • wp socializer sprite mask 32px The Amazing Energy of Loves Pain
  • wp socializer sprite mask 32px The Amazing Energy of Loves Pain
  • wp socializer sprite mask 32px The Amazing Energy of Loves Pain
  • wp socializer sprite mask 32px The Amazing Energy of Loves Pain