They Ride with Angels

When the Sun is out and the day is clear,
It is so easy to see with real light,
But when the day is gone and night is here,
In the blackness, you can see white.
Life’s Forces can easily hide by day,
Camouflaged from our natural vision.
The Sun’s light is more powerful than they,
But in darkness, they form a procession.
Things can be seen by the light of the Moon,
From Fairy dust to Orbs, quite apparent.
If you study close, you will see more soon,
Many Spirits are often transparent.
Look closer still and Angels you will see,
Working together, to help you and me.
By Ray Lavin. 7th.August,2013.

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  • wp socializer sprite mask 32px They Ride with Angels
  • wp socializer sprite mask 32px They Ride with Angels
  • wp socializer sprite mask 32px They Ride with Angels
  • wp socializer sprite mask 32px They Ride with Angels
  • wp socializer sprite mask 32px They Ride with Angels
  • wp socializer sprite mask 32px They Ride with Angels
  • wp socializer sprite mask 32px They Ride with Angels